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Look up a milestone by a given milestone index.



Look up a milestone by a given milestone index.


Path Parameters

    index numberrequired

    Index of the milestone to look up.

    Example: 154862


Successful operation.

    type integerrequired

    Set to value 7 to denote a Milestone Payload.

    index integerrequired

    The index of the milestone.

    timestamp integerrequired

    The Unix timestamp at which the milestone was issued. The unix timestamp is specified in seconds.

    protocolVersion integerrequired

    Protocol version of the Milestone Payload and its encapsulating block.

    previousMilestoneId stringrequired

    The Milestone ID of the milestone with Index Number - 1.

    parents string[]required

    The identifiers of the blocks this milestone references. Hex-encoded values with 0x prefix.

    inclusionMerkleRoot stringrequired

    The merkle root of all directly/indirectly referenced blocks (their IDs) which are newly confirmed by this milestone. Hex-encoded with 0x prefix.

    appliedMerkleRoot stringrequired

    The merkle root of all blocks (their IDs) carrying ledger state mutating transactions. Hex-encoded with 0x prefix.

    options object[]
  • Array [
  • anyOf
    type integerrequired

    Type identifier of a receipt payload (3).

    migratedAt integerrequired
    final booleanrequired
    funds MigratedFundsEntry[]required
  • Array [
  • tailTransactionHash stringrequired
    address object required
    type integerrequired

    Set to value 0 to denote an Ed25519 Address.

    pubKeyHash stringrequired

    The hex-encoded, 0x prefixed BLAKE2b-256 hash of the Ed25519 public key

    deposit integerrequired
  • ]
  • transaction TreasuryTransactionPayloadrequired
    type integerrequired

    Set to value 4 to denote a Treasury Payload.

    input TreasuryInputrequired
    type integerrequired

    Set to value 1 to denote a TreasuryInput.

    milestoneId stringrequired

    Hex-encoded with 0x prefix.

    output TreasuryOutputrequired
    type integerrequired

    Set to value 2 to denote a TreasuryOutput.

    amount stringrequired

    Amount of IOTA tokens in the treasury. Plain string encoded number.

  • ]
  • metadata string

    Hex-encoded binary data with 0x prefix.

    signatures object[]required

    An array of signatures signing the serialized Milestone Essence. Hex-encoded with 0x prefix.

  • Array [
  • anyOf
    type integerrequired

    Set to value 0 to denote an Ed25519 Signature.

    publicKey stringrequired

    The public key of the Ed25519 keypair which is used to verify the signature. Hex-encoded with 0x prefix.

    signature stringrequired

    The signature signing the serialized Transaction Essence. Hex-encoded with 0x prefix.

  • ]